It seems like yesterday I was tearfully waving my parents off as I stood in the door way of my new home for the next year. I was in a city I didn't know, surrounded by people I didn't think would like me and I was about to start a course I knew nothing about.
Not going to lie was was quite a bit scared. I couldn't play sports, had no hobbies and I had spent the teenage years of my life either being socially awkward or at an all girls boarding school. As much fun as this was, I was little prepared for talking to boys, getting drunk or swimming naked in a fountain. My uni didn't help much, I was shoved in a halls full of hormonal girls and off campus. I had decided the best way to make friends was to offer passers by skittles from a massive fish bowl I had brought especially for the occasion or a chilled Kopparberg. You think this sounds cool? No, the sweets were still there a year later and the Kopparberg turned out to be non alcoholic!
At uni I met some people I never spoke to again after I left and had a few failed relationships. In saying this I did have a great three years and I have some incredible memories, some embarrassing photos and a great degree!
Here the tips I wish I could tell my 18 year old self. Some I wish I did and others I recommend, they gave me the greatest memories.
Leave your door open for the first few weeks.
Go on all the fresher nights out, here you will find out who you want to hang out with and who has the most fun
Something silly, it will give you memories! (swimming naked in a fountain is optional/cold)
People will walk in on you changing, showering and in other compromising situations, learn to laugh at it.
Join a club, even if it is chess club!
Go on the trips. Ski trip was THE best week of my life!!!!
Spend all of your student loan on £1.00 shots and bright blue VK, when you leave uni this becomes a thing of legend.
Get involved in fancy dress, Primark is your dressing up box and UV nights are the best
Sleep as much as you can! Once you get a job you will forget what this is!
Play fluffy bunnies during pre drinks! Actually hilarious! (stuff as many marshmallows in your mouth)
Write your address on the back of your hand if you think you will be having a big one. Can be waved in the face of taxi drivers and good Samaritans.
Watch over your drinks and don't leave them hanging around. (spiking happens even in the carefree environment of freshers fortnight so keep your head just a bit)
Make your room your home
Call home every few hours, it will make getting used to being away a lot harder.
Go home every weekend, you will miss out
Get into a relationship in your first year! This is the year you will find yourself, give it enough time and he will still be around.
Feel pressured into being someone you're not, it isn't worth eating the cat food the club captain is forcing you to eat laced with vodka.
Go home on your own, stick with your friends.
Are you off to uni in September? Would you like to know anything?
Stay beautiful